Not a good gig for rural hustlers, but…

I have had many driving jobs, from Dominos back in their hay day, to a “way before it’s time” delivery from any restaurant service (in the late 80s). But Uber was the most interesting
I definitely didn’t roll in the cash from Uber, and with taxes and late-night Tacos from Burger King I probably lost money. Didn’t help that started each session from a rural location and sometimes had to drive 20 miles for my first fare. The “Investment to Date” stat, includes the approx .52 cents a mile the IRS said my Jeep Cherokee suffered in repairs, gas and puke (only once).
- Miles Driven – 4076ish
- Trips – 308
- Estimated Income after Expenses and Tax – $875
- Estimate of Hours – 200
- Estimate of ROH (Return on hour) – Priceless and $4.38 an hour
- Part time over about a year that ended with COVID shutdown
I did meet a wide swath of the American populace while driving and the budding writer in me locked up dozens of characters and situations into the Muse Vault.
I may clean up the ol’ Jeep and head out someday again for fun, but not for profit.
Provide 5 Star Experience for Passengers and grub (and once even dog plasma)
- Maximize Routes to Stay the *#%& out of DC
- Provide 5 Star Driving Experience (Ended with only 1 non 5 Star)
- Not Sample the food, damn some of it smelled good!
Short Term Goals: Quarter 1 2022
- None, Project Ended
Long Term Goals:
- None, Project Ended (Might do again for the conversations)
The Numbers:
Investment to Date: $3309.87
Revenue to Date: $ 4403.98
Sign up and try for yourself: Sign up and earn $2,100, guaranteed, after completing your first 200 trip: See How Uber Works
(I get a referral commission if you do 200 trips GO GO GO!)