Selling Other People’s Stuff for Massive Profits (Not)

I have been running hobbyist websites for over a decade, as my interest in something grows, I feel the desire to share, but as my interest wains, well, I have a graveyard of old expired domains and sites on old Zip disks and floppies somewhere.
I’ve birthed (and sometimes) buried sites on:
- SEO and SEM
- Speculative Fiction
- DOS BASIC Coding
- Retro Computing
- Gaming
- Men’s Philosophy
Now, with just a few sites, I have reigned in from dozens of random affiliate programs to just a few.
I want to expand in finding guest posting opportunities and possibly speaking engagements as a way to generate more traffic to my niche sites
Provide valuable content and information in a casual way, generating discussion and further content ideas. The traffic generated will be monetized through affiliate programs:
- Google Adsense (Ads)
- Amazon Marketplace (Ads and Recommendations)
- Targeted Affiliate Programs based on Content
Short Term Goals: Quarter 1 2023
- Clean Up and Regroup Websites and Content
- Find Faster Web-hosting (Upgrade)
- Post At Least 3 Posts a Week, One a Day Better
- Look At Pod or Video Casting
- Clean Up Google and Amazon Links, and Ads
- Register New Domain Properties for Commercial Ideas
Long Term Goals:
- Recurring Income of $2000 per month
- Get 2 Paid or Sponsored Speaking engagements a year
- Find 2 Core Sponsors for Racing and Podcasts
The Numbers:
Investment to Date: $437.43
Revenue to Date: $ 0
Project Links:
OCR411.COM – Race Finder for the Obstacle Course Community – Hobbyist site for the ins and outs of amateur backyard aguaponics